Filter:LocationGeorgia – Kakheti – Shida Kartli – Abkhazia – Javakheti – Racha – Zemo SvanetiTurkey – Shavsheti – Klarjeti – TaoAzerbaijan – Historical KakhetiTypeDomed Church – Polyapsidal – Tetraconch – Triconch – Croix Inscrite/Cross-in-square – Semi Croix Libre – Croix LibreOther – Diaconicon – Unknown – RefectoryDomeless Church – Domed Hall – Hall church – Three-Aisled BasilicaResetShow 102450100All entriesSearch:PhotoBuildingDate/PeriodDedicationTypeLocationLayersAdishi, Church of St. George (“Jgrag”)11th c.St. George ("Jgrag") Domeless Church, Hall churchGeorgia, Zemo SvanetiOne layerAkhiza, Cathedral5th-6th cc.UnknownOther, UnknownTurkey, KlarjetiOne layerAkura, Church of St. David Garejeli855St. David GarejeliDomeless Church, Three-Aisled BasilicaGeorgia, KakhetiTwo layersArmazi, Church of St. George864 St. GeorgeDomeless Church, Domed HallGeorgia, Shida KartliOne layerAteni Sioni Church7th c.Dormition of Holy VirginDomed Church, TetraconchGeorgia, Shida KartliTwo layersAtsi, Church of Holy Archangels (“Taringzel”)10th c.Holy Archangels (“Taringzel”)Domeless Church, Hall churchGeorgia, Zemo SvanetiOne layerBenisi, Church of St. George9th c.St. GeorgeDomeless Church, Hall churchGeorgia, Shida KartliOne layerChvabiani, Church of the Ascension (“Matskhvar”)10th c.Ascension ("Matskvar")Domeless Church, Hall churchGeorgia, Zemo SvanetiThree layersDumeila, Church of the Virgin9th c.The VirginDomeless ChurchGeorgia, JavakhetiOne layerDzveli Shuamta, Church of Resurrection7th c.Resurrection of ChristDomed Church, TetraconchGeorgia, KakhetiTwo layersErtso Sioni ChurchSecond half of the 5th centuryUnknownDomeless Church, Three-Aisled BasilicaGeorgia, KakhetiTwo layersGareja, Bertubani Monastery, Martyrium6th-7th cc.MartyriumDomeless Church, Hall churchAzerbaijan, Historical KakhetiOne layerGareja, Monastery of St. John the Baptist, ChapelTurn of the 11th-12th cc. – the beginning of the 12th c.UnknownDomeless Church, Hall churchGeorgia, KakhetiOne layerGareja, Monastery of St. John the Baptist, Small church10th c.UnknownDomeless Church, Hall churchGeorgia, KakhetiOne layerGareja, Mravaltsq’aro Monastery, Church of the VirginMid-9th centuryThe VirginDomeless Church, Hall churchGeorgia, KakhetiOne layerGareja, Sabereebi, Church №6Second half of the 9th centuryUnknownDomed Church, Croix LibreGeorgia, KakhetiOne layerGareja, Sabereebi, Church №5Second half of the 9th centuryUnknownDomeless Church, Hall churchGeorgia, KakhetiOne layerGareja, Sabereebi, Church №7First half of the 10th centuryUnknownDomed Church, Croix LibreGeorgia, KakhetiOne layerGareja, Sabereebi, Church №8Second half of the 10th centuryUnknownDomed Church, Croix LibreGeorgia, KakhetiOne layerGareja, St. Dodo Monastery, Burial Church of St. DodoSecond half of the 6th centuryUnknownDomed ChurchGeorgia, KakhetiOne layerGareja, Tetri Udabno, Church7th-8th cc.UnknownDomeless Church, Hall churchGeorgia, KakhetiOne layerGareja, Tsamebuli Monastery, Small Chapel10th c.UnknownDomeless Church, Hall churchGeorgia, KakhetiOne layerGareja, Udabno Monastery, Church of the VirginFirst half of the 10th centuryThe VirginDomeless Church, Hall churchGeorgia, KakhetiOne layerGareja, Udabno Monastery, Church of the Virgin, Diaconicon10th c.UnknownDomeless Church, DiaconiconGeorgia, KakhetiTwo layersShowing 1 to 24 of 60 entriesPrevious123Next