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Telovani, Murals of the Church of Holy Cross. Second Layer

Building: Telovani, Church of Holy Cross
Layer of the Murals: Second Layer
Date/Period: 10th c.
Donor(s): Unknown
Painter(s): Unknown
Building Gallery


of the Donor(s)
of the Painter(s)


The second layer of the painting embellished certain parts of the interior. Its fragments have survived on the sub-dome pilasters, the east wall of the north arm and the south wall of the west arm.



South and north pilasters of the chancel bema, as well as the south-east corner pilaster of the west arm had frontal figures of holy warriors. Only their fragments have survived. St. George killing Diocletian was depicted on the north-east corner pilaster of the west arm: due to dislocation of the plaster only a fragment has survived: the lower part of the saint’s frontal figure and a small figure of Diocletian depicted at the warrior’s feet can be observed.



The north apse on the eastern wall probably had a big-size figure (preserved fragmentarily); it was bordered by a thick, two-sided ornament.

Fragments of a stylized floral ornament can be identified on the northern corner of the east wall of the bema of the same apse, while a line of circles with eight-petal rosettes and simple cruciform twisted pattern inscribed in them embellished the outer, southern face of the bema.

An image of a donor, a bearded man, probably a clergyman, can fragmentarily be observed on the left area of a large composition bordered on four sides on the south wall of the west arm.


Tat’jana Shevjakova, “Data rospisi pervogo sloja khrama Telovani” [“Date of the First Layer of Paintings in the Telovani Church”], Sak’art’velos metsnierebat’a akademiis moambe [Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences] XXXI, №1 (1964): 235–42.

Tat’jana Shevjakova, Monumental’naja zhivopis’ rannego srednevekov’ja Gruzii [Monumental Painting of the Early Medieval Georgia] (Tbilisi, 1983), 6–7.

Zaza Skhirtladze, Adreuli shua saukuneebis kart’uli kedlis mkhatvroba. T’elovanis jvarpatiosani [Early Medieval Georgian Monumental Painting. Telovani Church of the Holy Cross] (Tbilisi, 2008).